Saturday, November 25, 2006

MY GOD PROBLEM by Natalie Angier


By Natalie Angier
So, on the issue of mainstream monotheistic religions and the irrationality behind many of religion's core tenets, scientists often set aside their skewers, their snark, and their impatient demand for proof, and instead don the calming cardigan of a a kiddie-show host on public television. They reassure the public that religion and science are not at odds with one another, but rather that they represent separate "magisteria," in the words of the formerly alive and even more formerly scrappy Stephen Jay Gould. Nobody is going to ask people to give up their faith, their belief in an everlasting soul accompanied by an immortal memory of every soccer game their kids won, every moment they spent playing fetch with the dog. Nobody is going to mock you for your religious beliefs. Well, we might if you base your life decisions on the advice of a Ouija board; but if you want to believe that someday you'll be seated at a celestial banquet with your long-dead father to your right and Jane Austen to your left-and that she'll want to talk to you for another hundred million years or more—that's your private reliquary, and we're not here to jimmy the lock.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Atheists: The New Gays

By Scott Adams

Is it my imagination or have the atheists come out of the closet (in the United States) since 9/11?
Prior to 9/11, it would have been career suicide for a public figure to come right out and say God is a fairy tale. Now it’s a feature of popular culture. You can see it on cable of course, in shows such as BullSh*t, Real Time, The Daily Show, and Southpark. But it’s also a feature of network TV. The main character on House is written as the most brilliant human on the planet, and he’s an atheist. The new show 3lbs has a similar character. I can’t remember anything like that ten years ago.

Read the rest here.....

Monday, November 06, 2006

His heart isn't really in his work.

I have no idea if this has been Photoshoped or not but either way I like it.
This is my version.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I had to concede to a believer “Perhaps you are right”

Yesterday a friend of mine confronted me regarding my atheism.

We had quite a long, involved and heated discussion and at one point I said to him:
“You are a very intelligent person, in fact far too intelligent to believe in god”

His immediate response was an angry:
“I most certainly am not”

I let that hang in the air as we both silently pondered its truth and I finally conceded:
“Perhaps you are right”

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Replace the word “faith” with “superstition”

Every time you hear the word “faith” used in a sentence you can substitute “superstition” for a more accurate reading.

The governments faith based initiatives
The governments superstition based initiatives

Faith schools.
Superstition schools.

I have deep faith.
I have deep superstitions.