Friday, June 02, 2006

Intelligent design a difficult foe.

From The Toronto Star.

For many, evolution theory hard to grasp.


Scientists are absolutely correct to argue that intelligent design — the claim that a designer, not evolution, created life on Earth — is not science and does not belong in science classrooms. But it might come as a surprise to many of them that simply saying so isn't enough.

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1 comment:

Michael Wilk said...

What really infuriates me about creationists is their ability to sucker people into believing science is somehow unproven, or untested, or flat out wrong--after having offered no actual evidence themselves to support their own argument.

Here in Ohio a "museum" (if by 'museum,' you mean Flintsonesque bull) recently opened up wherein the owner and proprietor operates on the assumption of creationism as truth and that Man existed simultaneously with dinosaurs. How this idiot even maneged to raise the money for such a farce is beyond my understanding.

But then, this is Ohio I'm talking about--proudly backward-moving since Republicans seized control of all levels of state government.