Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Stop the rightwing hatemongers.

This is a message from Media Matters

Recently, the major television networks have given a platform to conservative hate merchants like Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, and Melanie Morgan. One of the country's largest syndicates, Universal Press Syndicate, distributes Coulter's column. Beck was recently hired by CNN Headline News. Morgan broadcasts from a radio station owned by Disney. And all three -- and countless others like them -- are regularly given guest spots on cable-news networks.

The fact that these right-wing pundits -- who have called for the execution of public officials and others -- are given a platform in the major media is unprecedented.
We, the undersigned, urge the media to stop allowing these hate merchants to spread their venom and abuse. America deserves to hear honest, reasoned debate, not rants from professional hatemongers.

Click here to add your name.

The only thing I have to add is that this should also be aimed at the left wing hate mongers who spread the same putrid venom at the other end of the spectrum.
But I just can’t think of any.

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