Saturday, September 30, 2006


“Faith” is believing in something for which there is no proof.

The problem with “religious faith” is that it means not only believing in something for which there is no proof but believing something for which the huge preponderance of evidence points to something else entirely.

Faith is not a thing to be commended as religious leaders would have you believe. It is a shameful way of ignoring reality. It’s simply another way of closing your eyes and sticking your fingers in your ears while loudly singing a nonsense tune as someone tries to explain something very important to you.

Whenever you encounter someone who proudly boasts of their “faith” you should sadly shake your head and tell them that it’s a shame that they think that faith is a good thing. Ask them how they would feel if they found themselves in court, on trial for something they didn’t do and instead of taking a hard look at the evidence the jury gets to decide your guilt or innocence based simply upon how they feel.

An ostrich has “faith” that, when it pushes its head into the sand, it can no longer be seen.

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