Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tri County Times hotline submission.

This was posted on the hotline submission page of my local paper the Tri County Times.

"WHEN YOU CAN explain how a caterpillar decided it wanted to fly and turned itself into a butterfly, I'll start listening to your theories of evolution."

I don't blame the people who think that things like this are a valid argument. They have been completly failed by their schooling. America has a mostly useless school system.

My reply was:
WHEN YOU START using your brain for thinking and not simply as a repository for stupid statements I'll explain evolution to you. It's really quite simple, very beautiful and requires no fictitious characters.

1 comment:

beepbeepitsme said...

A butterfly doesn't decide. To metamorphose from pupa to butterfly it is just part of its lifecycle. It isn't a conscious decision.

It is like saying to a human, "when you show me how you decide to go bald, I will believe in evolution."

Both changes occur as a result of genetic information. A butterfly doesn't WILL itself to change from a pupa to a butterfly, and a person doesn't WILL him/herself to go bald.