Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Intelligent Design Banned in PA

Phew! That was close.
Thankfully Judge John E. Jones III saw Intelligent Design for what it is, a backdoor way of promoting creation.

If the judge had ruled the other way I have no doubt that the schools in Dover Pennsylvania would soon start teaching the "Stork theory of child birth", "Easter Bunny 101" and "The Tooth Fairy Vs your dentist"

America should be more worried over the fact that their schools are not educating kids and Americans are becoming dumber. Although thinking about it an uneducated population is exactly what politicians want.

By the way. I have won and always will win every discussion I get involved in concerning theology.
That's not really a difficult task though considering the premise that "god exists" is such a ridiculous proposition that it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

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