Friday, January 13, 2006

Politicians who Flip Flop.

Harry Bathwater

Our politicians are supposed to “Flip flop”

That is their job!

We, in America, live in a representative democracy.
This means that, because we can’t all fit in congress we select people to represent us there. They are there to do our bidding and vote how we, as their constituents, want. They are not there to “vote their conscience”. Their conscience is irrelevant! We don’t elect people because we think they are swell guys and we want to see them do well in life. We elect them to vote the way we want. The last thing in the world we should want is for our representative to “stick to their guns” and vote in a way that is counter to our wishes.

Quite honestly, politicians SHOULD “hold their finger up in the air and see which way the wind is blowing” because we are the “wind” and they have been elected to carry out OUR wishes, NOT THEIRS!

If we, as a nation, start to feel differently about an issue then our representatives better damn well feel the same way!

Next time you hear someone criticizing a politician for “flip flopping” say to them,
“Bloody good show, we need more people in office like that”

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