Sunday, January 01, 2006

Why there will never be a liberal Rush Limbaugh

Harry Bathwater

The reason why there there can never be a liberal version of the popular talk show host and Americas number 1 hatemonger, Rush Limbaugh is simple. Liberals and progressives are generally people who think about issues themselves and come to decisions after much contemplation.
Rush Limbaugh's audience are, for the most part, people who don't want to have to think about issues, they just want Rush to tell them what to think.Liberal and progressive people therefore would never be happy ceding their minds over to a talk show host who merely has a commanding voice and fantastic delivery.


Anonymous said...

Nearly all liberal ideas aren't original.They were dreamt up by some hippie back in the 1960's. How can you therefore see liberals as independent thinkers?

Harry Bathwater said...

The above comment was clearly made by an idiot. So, to respond, would be like shooting fish in a barrel!

Anonymous said...

I don't think liberal ideas were "dreamt up" as the other comment said, but liberals seem to engage in "group think" more often that conservatives.

Harry Bathwater said...

"Group Think" is just a silly phrase for an idea that has more than one proponent.

I can't take you seriously for accusing people of "Group Think"

We all want to stamp out Malaria. Is that "Group Think?

Anonymous said...

In a groupthink situation, each member of the group attempts to conform his or her opinions to what they believe to be the consensus of the group

Harry Bathwater said...

I have no doubt that there are those out there who would do exactly that, but the point that I made in my original post was that Limbaughs audience has no intention, desire or ability to think up their own opinions.

I also have no doubt that there are uninformed democrats that vote the way they do because their union dad voted that way. But that is a small number compaired to the hordes of zombie Rush listeners.