Wednesday, March 01, 2006

New Header

The time has come to admit out loud, that a belief in god is an irrational and dangerous fallacy. Atheists need to stand up and proselytize. We need to spread the good news that god is a myth, there is no devil and that no one ever burns in hell.

1 comment:

Matthew Bamberg said...

Here, here, secularism in society brings about new art, new ideas, innovation.

I think if we all took photographs that showed our cracked roads, maze of freeways, big SUVs, blazing night lights, pre-packaged items that are wrapped in three layers and then thrown in a big box, exurbs that intrude on wondering mountian lions, McMansions for two, strip malls that people stay away from, huge buildings surrounded by even bigger parking lots and a president who prays for other people's oil.