Wednesday, March 01, 2006

War on Christmas?

Harry Bathwater

I celebrate Christmas and I enjoy it. Of course, it has no religious meaning to me whatsoever.

If fact I enjoy pointing out to believers that they go to church on Sunday a day that celebrates Sunne the Germanic sun goddess.

They start the work week on Monday named after Mani a German Moon god.

Tuesday is named after the Nordic god Tyr.

Wednesday comes from the Old English Wodnesdæg meaning the day of the Germanic god Woden who was a god of the Anglo Saxons in England until about the 7th C. AD.

Thursday is a good one. It’s named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder.

Friday is from Frige the Norse god of beauty.

Saturday is the only day of the week to retain its Roman origin in English, named after the Roman god of time Saturn.

January is named for Janus, the god of doors and gateways in Roman mythology.

February was probably named for the Roman god Februus, the god of purification or the Roman god Juno Februata the goddess of passion.

March was called Martius, so named after the Roman god of war and was considered a lucky time to begin a war.

If fact all the months are named in honour of Roman divinities.

So there you have it. If uninformed Christians want to try and accuse me of an inconsistency because they hear me wish someone a “Merry Christmas” I let em have it with both barrels!

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