Saturday, April 01, 2006

Why I don't believe in god. A brief summary.

Harry Bathwater

The world is heading in a dangerous direction and it's because of this pernicious belief in god.

A belief in god shows a dramatic lack of understanding of the real world.
At about the same time that I stopped believing in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny I also stopped believing in god. It was very apparent top me at the age of about 7 that god was not real. I kept believing it however until I was perhaps 13 because it is such an ingrained tradition.

I understand that none of us wants to be alone in our own heads and it’s very comforting to believe that someone is in there with us, but they are not.

I also understand that no of us wants to die and it’s REALLY comforting to believe that we don’t. But that instead we float up to heaven where we sit at god’s side for all eternity.

And I now know that thunder and lightning are not god being angry with us and that the northern lights are not fairies and that a solar eclipse is not gods trick to get our attention.

We have created god for two reasons.

1. It is a way of explaining things we don’t understand. Death, the weather etc.

2. It is a fantastic way for a lot of people to make a living.

God and the devil is a “carrot and stick” designed to make us do what someone else wants us to do and there a lot of people in the world telling us we need to contribute to their church to please god. It is the biggest confidence trick ever.

To believe in god you must pluck out the eyes of reason.

I am a proud member of the reality based community.

I always win every argument about the existence of god and every time my opponents are left with just one pitiful closing volley. Pascal’s wager.

So in summary, the reason I don’t believe in god is because I’m a grown up.

1 comment:

Dr. Ally Critter said...

I am afraid, I cannot leave you a shopping tip, however, this post nicely sums up why I don't believe in God..
All this and also because its just like living too much by the rules isn't it?