Monday, August 20, 2007

I predict another attack.

I predict that. Sometime before the next election, we are in for an attack similar to 911.

It won’t be as dramatic and devastating as the destruction of the World Trade Center towers but I won’t need to be.

All Bush has to do this time is kill everyone in a McDonalds.

That will be enough for him to terrify the nation into voting Republican.

He knows that he has so destroyed the country’s support for Republicans that something drastic has to happen.
I’m not accusing the Bush regime of being behind the 911 atrocity but here’s the thing. The fact that I found myself taking the accusation seriously and pondering it shocked me. I suddenly realized that contemplating the evidence as even a possibility spoke volumes. After all the terrible things this president has done to America, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights It was not beyond the realm of possibility that Bush, and his dark puppet master Cheney, could orchestrate a “false flag” attack on their own country.

Were they behind 911? - I just don’t know.
Was it something they could have done? - I have to answer with a whispered “Yes”

So, to my prediction, sometime in April or May of 2008, somewhere in Americas heartland, a “terrorist” will kill himself and everyone else in a fast food restaurant. Or maybe it will be an attack on a train station or perhaps a library. It will have to be shocking enough to cause panic in the populace but not so horrific that the stock markets collapse. After all, that’s the only reason Bush was placed in the position of President. To generate huge amounts of money for his corporate overlords.

I am very reluctant to publish this because if it does happen, then me and my little blog will suddenly become prime suspect number 1.

I ask again. Where is the outrage? Where are all the decent Americans who want to restore their country to the shinning city on the hill that it should be?

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