Saturday, May 06, 2006

The fallacy of a link between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda.

The administration has claimed there were links between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein because known terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was spotted in Iraq some months before 911.

If this assertion is true and holds water as proof of a link between the two parties then I must now point out that there is then clearly a link between the terrorists and George Bush because all 19 hijackers were not only spotted in America in the days, weeks and months leading up to 911 but we have video of them boarding planes at American airports.

The truth is that there was no link between Hussein and Al Qaeda because radical Islamic terrorists hate Saddam Husein more than they hate us because he ran Iraq as a non Islamic state.

They couldn't have asked for a more pleasant outcome to 911 than having us, invade Iraq and oust Saddam Hussein for them.

Our stupid fucking president and his asshole advisors played right into their hands.

(I debated removing the words "Fucking" and "asshole" but they so aptly describe my feelings that I decided to leave them in. Another good description for George Bush would also, of course, be "Shit for brains")

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