Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Little evidence to support creation.

If an atheist ever tells you that there is little evidence that god created the universe you should make it very clear that they are wrong. Very wrong!
There is, in fact, NO evidence. None. Not a grain of sand sized piece of evidence that any supernatural being had anything to do with the existence of anything.

There is however mountains of evidence that proves evolution. Mountains of the damn stuff.

Sadly though there does also seem to be compelling evidence that we are now devolving. Just peer through the window of any church on a Sunday morning. Or go to a school board meeting is Arkansas. Or better yet, listen to the anti science propaganda that spews from the current American leaders.

It’s all very very sad.

1 comment:

Brad said...

While I agree with you that religion has co-opted any reasonable discussion on this issue, I, having been trained as a scientist, need to express my objection to the use of the word 'proves'.

The scientific method never 'proves' anything. It is designed to to just the opposite. Everyone (I hope) learned this in grade school. You make hypotheses, make observations, and then evaluate if that evidence supports or disproves your hypothesis. And repeat.

Science has found that there is a lot of evidence for evolution. Occam's razor eliminates the 'supernatural' theory (god created the universe, and us), and evolution is supported by various other discoveries in genetics, ecology etc. Evolution has not been 'proved' it is a theory. If tomorrow, god appeared, and told us that he/she/it created all life and things have always been as they are now, then we would be forced to abandon evolution as a tenable hypothesis.

The inablity of science to deal with the questions "is there a god" or "did god create the universe" not because there is no evidence, supporting it, there are mountains of evidence, just ask any christian, muslim, etc. The reason science doesn't 'care' is because the hypothesis is untestable, and involvment of the supernatural is removed by Occam's razor.

This is an important distinction.

The real problem is that creationism, especially in its newest incarnation (intelligent design) is being taught as science, not as a justification of god's existance.

There is nothing inherently wrong with the discussion of religion, in a humanities class, or a social science class, or wherever else, but not in science...

Science and god are incompatable.