Thursday, May 25, 2006

Reply to a Christian by Sam Harris.

If you are a budding atheist you probably should learn more about Sam Harris. He, along with others such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett are leading the charge against irrational, childish, religious beliefs.
Below is Sam Harris' "Reply To A Christian" which is a superb, no nonsense look at the hypocrisy of religious teachings.

Reply to a Christian
By Sam Harris

Since the publication of my first book, The End of Faith, I have received thousands of letters and e-mails from religious believers insisting that I am wrong not to believe in God. Invariably, the most unpleasant of these communications have come from Christians. This is ironic, as Christians generally believe that no faith imparts the virtues of love and forgiveness more effectively than their own. Please accept this for what it is: the testimony of a man who is in a position to observe how people behave when their faith is challenged. Many who claim to have been transformed by Christ's love are deeply, even murderously, intolerant of criticism. While you may ascribe this to human nature, it is clear that the hatred these people feel comes directly from the Bible. How do I know this? Because the most deranged of my correspondents always cite chapter and verse.


1 comment:

Simon said...

He's pretty good, Sam Harris.

The problem is, without religion there'd be no blasphemy, and where's the fun in that?